A collection of classic Amazon published books that the whole family will enjoy!

Best Chinese Take-out Recipes from Mama Li’s Kitchen

Prepare delicious Chinese take-out food with Mama Li’s best secret recipes! From Mama Li’s Kitchen to yours.


The beauty of Chinese cuisine lies in its simplicity. With a few ingredients rightfully chosen and flavorful spices, you can create the most amazing fresh meals in no time. You don’t need to be an exceptional cook or have an immense pantry to enjoy your favorite takeout dishes fresh from your own kitchen. With a few simple ingredients, a couple of tools, and the desire to make your own Chinese takeout cuisine, you can soon be crafting these dishes for yourself.

It has become a tradition in our family to cook like Mama Li. In this book, you will find a collection of her best Chinese take-out recipes from her restaurant.

Mama Li showed me everything I know about cooking Asian foods. One of the warmest memories I have from Mama Li was the patience she showed toward me when she hired me to assist in her restaurant’s kitchen. She would carefully explain and show me how to choose the right ingredients at the market, handle the knife and chop quickly the fresh produces, prepare the secret sauce with just the right amount of spices and ingredients, stir-fry with the most amazing pan in my kitchen, the wok, how to use a bamboo steamer and so much more. I learned so much for those two wonderful years working for Mama Li. Since, then I have continued cooking like Mama Li showed me while adapting the recipes to my own family’s preferences.


To purchase your copy, visit: http://www.amazon.com/Best-Chinese-Take-out-Recipes-Kitchen-ebook/dp/B00UIE07RO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437946250&sr=8-1&keywords=mama+li+best+take+out++recipes&pebp=1437946252546&perid=0JXS6YYZ4YDTWHYWHD7Z

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