A collection of classic Amazon published books that the whole family will enjoy!

Best Egg Roll, Spring Roll, and Dumpling Recipes from Mama Li’s Kitchen

From Mama Li’s Kitchen to yours. Learn to make delicious egg rolls, spring rolls, and dumplings with Mama Li’s best recipes


Mama Li showed me everything I know about cooking Asian foods. One of the fondest memories I have from Mama Li was helping her make dumplings, egg rolls, and spring rolls for a friend’s wedding. It was a family affair, and everyone was helping out. We were doing everything from rolling the dough, making the shapes, making the fillings, folding the egg rolls, spring rolls, and dumplings just right, cooking them and finally getting them packed and ready to go. We had made what seem to me to be thousands of them! She had 12 different kinds of filling, and each one had a different shape. It took us two full days to make all these little packets full of goodness. Some she would fry, others would be steamed, and some were just baked in the oven. They were all done from scratch. For those two days, we ate, lived, and laughed dumplings! They were the best that I had ever tasted.

It has become a tradition in our family to cook like Mama Li. In this book, you will find a collection of her best recipes for egg rolls, spring rolls, and dumplings…and a few bonus recipes!

They are filled with flavors from Asia, delicate and so fragrant. The ingredients are fresh, healthy, and wholesome. They are easy to find. If you happen to be living near an Asian market, don’t hesitate to visit and get some of your ingredients there. It will make it even more authentic.

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